Missing links – Constitution Rd tunnel & Johnson Park
What are we doing in this area?
The upgrades in the area from Johnson Park to New Canterbury Road include:
- Upgrade of Johnson Park including an upgraded path and playground
- Tunnel under Constitution Road from Johnson Park into the light rail corridor
- New raised path from Constitution Road tunnel along light rail and under New Canterbury Road
- Removal of invasive non-native flora
- Revegetation (native species and trees)
- Installation of new solar smart path lights
- Installation of public art in tunnel
- Installation of new rest stop
- Wayfinding signage
When are we doing this?
Construction of the upgrade from Johnson Park to New Canterbury Road has started in August 2023 and is anticipated to be completed in 2025.
Closure of Johnson Park
The improvements of Johnson Park require a temporary closure of the park, which is currently in place until anticipated GreenWay missing links construction completion in 2025.
The nearest alternative park with a playground is nearby J.F. Laxton Reserve, Williams Pde in Dulwich Hill.
The Johnson Park temporary closures include (part of) the dog off-leash area. Council has provided a temporary fenced dog off-leash area in nearby Hoskins Park. More information and a map can be found here:
Hoskins Park temporary dog off-leash area information (PDF 864.2KB)
The existing dog off-leash area at Johnson Park will be reinstated in full at the conclusion of the Greenway construction works.
In order to complete the GreenWay missing links, construction access is via Johnson Park. Traffic management is in place during construction from September 2023 to 2025.
Artist impression - Johnson Park, looking south towards the tunnel under Constitution Road:

Construction in the Constitution Road area is moving from the bridge only, to the area along the light rail line between Constitution Road and New Canterbury Road. The shared path between Constitution Road and New Canterbury Road is taking shape:

Raised shared path under New Canterbury Road, north side:
Johnson Park upgrades have commenced:

The excavation of the tunnel portal is underway. The first tunnel breakthrough happened on 25 March 2024. South side view:

North side view (18 June 2024):

Piling works on and around Constitution Road bridge are now completed. The construction method of the tunnel under Constitution Road bridge is a top-down tunnelling method that required specialised equipment and included about 80 piles. The concrete has been poured for the tunnel roof, the road surface has been reinstalled, and the bridge is re-opened:
The play rocket is retained and protected:

GreenWay construction updates
Works in progress
Upcoming works
Completed works