Missing links – Cadigal Reserve & Parramatta Rd underpass
What are we doing in this area?
The upgrades to Cadigal Reserve in Summer Hill include:
- A new path and upgraded natural areas
- Upgraded landscaping and ecological restoration
- Creation of new 3.5m wide shared path
- Installation of new bat-friendly smart path lights
- New nature play area
- Installation of public art
- Installation of rest stop
- Wayfinding signage
- Access ramp into Hawthorne Canal
- New shared path bridge across Hawthorne Canal
- Resurfacing of the existing path on the western side of Hawthorne Canal
- New tunnel under Longport Street
- Microbat protective tunnel design
When are we doing this?
Construction in the Cadigal Reserve area around Parramatta Road and Longport Street commenced in January 2024 and is anticipated to be completed in 2025.
Cadigal Reserve closure
In order to complete these upgrades, Cadigal Reserve including the dog park and the parking lot are closed during comstruction. Detours and traffic management are in place.
A new fenced off-leash dog park will be created on the western side of Lewisham West light rail station, easily accessible via the GreenWay path. Alternative off-leash dog parks can be found on council’s website: innerwest.nsw.gov.au/live/active-inner-west
Construction access through Hawthorne Canal via Marion Street
Construction access to complete the upgrades, is through the Hawthorne Canal via the Marion Street ramp. A temporary ramp is in place within Cadigal Reserve during construction from January 2024 to 2025. The footbridge over Hawthorne Canal (near the Lords Road pedestrian tunnel in Leichhardt) has been temporarily removed from October 2024 during the works to allow for construction access height requirements and will be re-installed on completion of the works in 2025.
Artist impression - Cadigal Reserve nature play area:

Artist impression - Longport Street tunnel and bat screen, looking south from Cadigal Reserve towards Longport Street:

The cantilevered shared path over the Hawthorne Canal is progressing well. The contactor has to work with the tides and water levels within the canal:

Under the Battle Bridge, Parramatta Road:

Construction works commenced with a temporary access ramp into the canal. Retaining walls for the temporary access ramp are being constructed:

Delivery of reinforced steel for the piles that will support the shared boardwalk:

Footings for the raised path to and from the microbat-friendly tunnel under Longport Street are almost finished:

Footbridge over Hawthorne Canal is being lifted to allow for construction site access through the canal from Marion Street, Leichhardt:

Cadigal Reserve construction fencing has been installed for safe construction; ecological and bush care areas are fenced off from the construction site with dust and site run-off mitigation measures in place:

GreenWay construction updates
Works in progress
Upcoming works
Completed works