Have Your Say on Leichhardt Park’s future

Friday, 28 June 2019

Council is planning for the future of Leichhardt Park, and Inner West citizens are invited to have their say.

The 10-year Leichhardt Park Plan of Management and Master Plan is currently in development, and Council wants to know how the park is used now, and how people would like to use it in the future.

A Plan of Management (POM) and Master Plan is a guiding document which directs the future planning, management and use of the park.

In particular, Council is seeking feedback on plans to investigate the viability of a synthetic sports surface at Leichhardt Oval #2.

A synthetic turf sporting field would allow local sporting groups to use the field for more of the year, increasing sporting participation.

As well, community feedback is sought for Lilyfield Skate Plaza, a proposed skate facility next to Leichhardt Oval #3.

Skate park designer enlocus has prepared a draft concept design appealing to all ages and abilities, which can be viewed on Council’s website.

Everyone can have their say online at yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au.

For submissions by paper or from an organisation, contact Aaron Callaghan on 9392 5634.

Council will hold drop in sessions at Leichhardt Park opposite the Blue Hippo Playground:

Saturday, 29 June 2019, 2 - 4pm
Saturday, 6 July 2019, 10am - 12noon

The last day to provide feedback is Friday 19 July 2019

Feedback and input from other stakeholders will be used along with research and expert advice in the development of the draft Plan of Management and Master Plan. The plans will go on Public Exhibition in September/October 2019.

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator P: +61 2 9392 5334 | E: Elizabeth.Heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au


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Page last updated: 28 Jun 2019