Mobility Parking

Mobility parking

Council provides and manages mobility parking in the public domain for people with mobility parking scheme permits, which are issued by Transport for NSW (TfNSW).

Residents who hold a mobility parking permit who do not have off-street parking at their property can apply for a signposted mobility parking zone to be installed outside or near their residential address (subject to conditions). These spaces are available to anyone with a mobility permit.

Mobility permit holders can park for an unlimited period of time in permit parking scheme areas, including those with parking meters. Permit holders also have access to other concessions, which are listed on the Service NSW website.


Applying accessible parking - before you begin

To request the installation of signs to create an accessible parking space (mobility parking zone) outside your home or business, you must apply to Council under Section 138 of the Roads Act.

Please note that if approved, that these spaces are not reserved for private use, anyone with a Transport for NSW (TfNSW) mobility parking scheme permit (formerly RMS) may also use these spaces.

Depending on the impacts of the mobility parking zone on neighbouring residents/businesses, the application may need to be reported to the Local Traffic Committee and Council for determination. It may take up to eight (8) weeks for a successful application to be approved.

Important information before you consider making an application

Before you lodge a mobility parking zone application, it is important that you understand the following before applying:

  • When applying for signage you must provide a copy of both sides of your TfNSW mobility parking scheme permit. If you do not have an TfNSW MPS permit, you will first need to obtain one at Service NSW. You may be asked to provide a medial certificate on your application.
  • On-street disabled parking zones are:
    • Not provided for holders of temporary mobility parking scheme permits or where off-street parking is available on the property.
    • generally provided where there is difficulty in finding on-street parking spaces in close proximity to the subject property.
  • If approved, an on-street disabled parking zone will be installed as close as possible to the subject property considering adjacent parking spaces lengths.
  • On-street disabled parking zones can be used by any holder of a valid mobility parking scheme permit. The space is not exclusively reserved for the use by the applicant/permit holder.
  • There is a need for the mobility parking zone to be scheduled for review within 2 years of installation. This review will confirm that circumstances have not changed and may require showing documentation to demonstrate the mobility parking zone is still valid.
  • There is an obligation on the applicant to advise Council if circumstances change.
  • As part of the assessment, a council officer may contact you regarding this application
  • The proposed parking spaces should be limited to the subject property street frontage. Where the parking space will extend in front of a neighbouring property a signed letter of agreement from the neighbouring property owner must be provided (depending on local conditions, this may not be required if it is no more then 1-2 metres).

Fees and charges

  • There are generally no charges applicable to this application
  • Additional charges will only be applicable where the applicant requests a kerb ramp to be constructed adjacent to the requested mobility parking zone (so that a wheelchair can be used).
  • Council will advise you of any fees after assessment and payment will be required prior to approval of the application.

Questions you will need to answer during online lodgement

You will need to provide the following information in support of your application:

  • Address of the property;
  • Location of the proposed accessible parking space; and
  • Applicant details

Application form

You will need to complete the below form:

Mandatory supporting documents

Have the following documents ready before starting the online application as they will need to be uploaded with the application during lodgement.

If they are not provided, the assessment  will be delayed and may be refused.

  • Application form – a signed copy of the application form
  • A copy of both sides of the mobility parking permit
  • Where applicable a signed letter of consent from the neighbouring property owner, where the proposed parking spaces will extend in front of their property

Terms and conditions

You will need to sign the Applicant's Declaration on the application form to accept the Terms and Conditions on the form

Application declaration:

  • I declare that all the information in the application is to the best of my knowledge, true and correct
  • I understand that if the information is incomplete, the application may be delayed/ rejected or more information may be requested and accept delays in processing may arise out of any inadequacies in the material submitted in support of the application
  • I acknowledge that if the information provided is misleading, any approval granted ‘may be void’
  • I declare that any electronic data provided is a true copy of all plans and associated documents submitted with this application. I declare that any electronic data is not corrupted and does not contain any viruses
  • I understand that Council will use the information and materials provided for notification and advertising purposes if required.
  • I have read, understood and agree to comply with Council's approval conditions

How to apply for your permit

Step 1

Register for an account on the Council's self service portal - verification should occur within one business day.

Review the following guide for assistance applying online:

Step 2

Log into your account and apply for your permit.

After you apply for your permit - Once Council receives your application, the required documents and payment (if applicable), your application will be processed.

Review the following guide for assistance on the registration process:

You can also use our online self-service website to lodge an application:

Go to online self-service

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Page last updated: 26 Sep 2024