WCX M5 – St Peters Interchange Active Transport Works Sydenham Station Cycleway
Project description
Inner West Council has been requested to deliver two walking-cycling projects around the M5 WestConnex interchange at St Peters on behalf of RMS and WestConnex. The provision of upgraded walking and cycling facilities within 1,000 metres of the St Peters lnterchange is a condition of consent for the WestConnex New M5 project.
The aims of the project were to identify pedestrian and cycle facilities that are to be provided by WestConnex as part of the state significant infrastructure for the M5 interchange works.
A separated cycleway on Burrows Road near Sydenham Station, as well as traffic calming on Henry Street Sydenham and improved crossings at Unwins Bridge Road linking with the existing L8 and L13 bike routes from the Marrickville Bicycle Strategy, is being designed and will be constructed.
You can find the detailed design plans (PDF 17.5MB) here.
The Sydenham connection
A south-west connection at Princes Highway has limited connectivity to the surrounding network and is a current gap in the proposed network.
The proposed route starts at Mary Street/Princes Highway then follows:
- Bakers Lane
- Grove Street
- Henry Street
- George Street
- Ends at Burrows Avenue, near Sydenham Station
Project address
Burrows Avenue and George Street, Sydenham NSW 2044
- Detailed design is 100% complete
- Traffic lights approval obtained
- The construction tender was awarded to Civotek in December 2024
- Construction commences in mid-February 2025 and is planned to be completed by the end of June 2025
Impacts during works
Traffic control will be employed to manage traffic and pedestrian flow around the site. Access to properties will be maintained – however, some car parking spaces near the works will be closed to the public during construction. Residents will need to avoid parking next to or near the active work zones.
Expected completion date
End of June 2025
The total project spend is $1.315 million. The design component is $200,000.
The project is funded by IWC, TfNSW and NSW DPI&E.
Pre-work photos