Mayor calls for Inquiry into Rozelle Interchange and WestConnex

Wednesday 7 February 2024



Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne is calling for a Parliamentary Inquiry into WestConnex and the Rozelle Interchange to find out who knew what and when about the design of this infrastructure disaster.

"One week since the return of schools and peak traffic it's now clear that the traffic chaos at the Rozelle Interchange is permanent and caused by a defective design," Byrne said.

"For years we warned that this would be a tunnel to a traffic jam and it's now obvious to all that we were right.

"While Transport for NSW must do more to mitigate the unacceptable impacts of the Rozelle Interchange, everyone can see that the problem is structural and commuters are stuck with a piece of motorway infrastructure that makes traffic worse, not better.

"The Parliament must investigate who is responsible for the disastrous design flaws in WestConnex.

"The investigation should include the role of former Government Ministers in the approval of the Interchange as well as the outsized power and influence of Transurban over traffic flows around WestConnex."

"It's time for everyone to admit that this Interchange is one of the most costly and disruptive mistakes in the history of Sydney's motorway network and those responsible must be held to account."

Byrne is also continuing to call for Transport for NSW and Transurban to do more to relieve congestion on Victoria Road now.

"Transport for NSW and Transurban are still not acting urgently enough to mitigate this disaster."

"The release of daily travel time data is needed to show what mitigations are working but that information is still being held back from the public.

"Installing clear signage directing drivers to the free tunnel between the Iron Cove and ANZAC Bridges should have happened months ago.

"Consideration of moving the bus lane on Victoria Road to the kerbside lane should also have happened before now."  

For media enquiries please contact Jonny Browne,

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Page last updated: 07 Feb 2024