A long-term accommodation strategy for Council

Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Council will call for Expressions of Interest to provide a strategy to address Council’s future accommodation needs.

The EOI was endorsed at last night’s Council Meeting. Council heard that consolidating council locations would be more efficient and economical and would enhance council services.

Council’s estimates show that $9 million will need to be spent over the next four years on Council’s existing administration offices and depots, while consolidating Council buildings could save $58 million over 10 years.

Inner West Council has three administration offices and four depots – a legacy of the amalgamation of the three former Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville.

There is no one site that currently has enough floor space to accommodate the entire amalgamated Council.

The seven sites within the scope of the Expression of Interest are the administration buildings in Ashfield, Leichhardt and Petersham and the depots in Balmain, Leichhardt, St Peters and Summer Hill.

No other Council community facilities are addressed in the EOI. Council has committed to retaining public ownership of all Town Halls. The EOI will also include Council’s resolved commitment to establish a new reuse centre.

The EOI will be open for six weeks. A report on the outcomes of the EOI will go back to Council for a decision on the next steps.

The Long-Term Accommodation Strategy Guiding Principles include:

• A single administration building

• A single depot

• Staff and visitor car parking

• Close to public transport, train, light rail, bus network

• Efficient and sustainable facilities

• Minimal commute between administration and depot buildings

• Retention of Library and community rooms in Ashfield

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator P: +61 2 9392 5334 | E: Elizabeth.Heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au


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Page last updated: 08 Oct 2019