Skaters needed for pilot art event

Update: Friday, 19 October 2018
Due to severe thunder storm warning - PILOT SK8 event has been rescheduled to Saturday, 3 November – when all the stars will be out! Join the event page and bring along all skaters, friends and family to witness an incredible fusion of skaters, scooters, technology and art. See you at Sydenham Green Skate Park on 3 November.



Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Inner West Council is inviting skaters to test out an interactive art installation at PILOT SK.8, a one-night pop-up at Sydenham Green skate park this Saturday, 20 October. 

Sk8 Event 

The artworks were created by students from the Master of Interaction Design and Electronic Arts course at the University of Sydney, with a brief to design prototype motion-triggered interactive pieces.

Some of the works are designed to be activated by skater movements, while others provide playful and creative experiences for spectators and other users of the park.

Skaters attending PILOT SK.8 will be asked to provide feedback on works to allow the students to develop their projects ahead of EDGE Inner West in 2019, which will see a bigger and better event at the skate park.

Students have taken a number of approaches to the challenge, such as using light or sound effects to enhance the skating experience, or using a Kinect camera to create portraits of skaters in motion.

Other designs focus on the spectator experience, with one team dotting the path with interactive LED flowers made from recycled materials and another creating a collaborative sound interface.

One team is teaching girls to skate with a game for two players, taking beginner skaters through a series of key skills and tricks.

The students will be on site to see how users engage with the ideas and to collect feedback for improvement.

“Sydenham Green is a state-of-the-art skate facility and we are thrilled to have it host the pilot art night,” said Mayor Darcy Byrne.

“A lot of creativity and innovation has gone into these designs, and we look forward to seeing them come to life with the help of the skating community.”  

The work in progress can be seen at design blog,

PILOT SK.8 will run at Sydenham Green, Unwins Bridge Road & Railway Road, Sydenham 2044, from 6-9pm, Saturday, 20 October.



For further information, please contact Alethea Dean  9392 5334                        

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Page last updated: 19 Oct 2018