Graham Green

Inner West Council is still to receive the draft licence from the Department of Education. On 17 December 2020 Tim O’Sullivan, the Director, Property School Infrastructure NSW assured Council’s Acting General Manager that a long term agreement would be provided in early January in draft for Council comment.

After numerous follow up correspondence during February and March 2021 the Department’s assigned property office advised on 23 March 2021 “We have completed consultation with appropriate internal stakeholders and are now seeking Senior Executive approval on the draft proposed Heads of Agreement (HoA). We’ll contact Council regarding our proposal once all necessary internal approvals have been obtained.’ Inner West Council has followed up with the Department in April 2021 but has not received any response from the Department’s assigned officer. Council is aware of recent signage installation at Graham Green and the changes to companion animal access conditions which have been imposed on the Green by the NSW Department of Education. Council was not advised, or consulted on these changes. It is noted by Council however that dogs are not permitted on School Grounds as pursuant to Section 16 of the Companion Animals Act 1998.

Graham Green is a playing field adjacent to Dulwich Hill High School. 

In 1993, the former Marrickville Council and the Department of Education (the Department) worked collaboratively together on the formation of Graham Green.

The former Marrickville Council provided a contribution of $25,000 toward its establishment and supported the required road closures.

As part of negotiations with Council, the Department agreed that Graham Green would be made available to the public for recreational purposes outside of school hours (This agreement did not include an off leash companion animal exercise area).

As part of the Development Application consent granted by Marrickville Council in April 1993 for Graham Green,  Marrickville Council and the Department were required to enter into a formal agreement in relation to community use, maintenance and public liability.

In 2007, Marrickville Council and the Department entered into a licence agreement regarding the community use of Graham Green and in 2017 Inner West Council and the Department entered into a further licence agreement for the community use of Graham Green.

Inner West Council is currently in discussion about the ongoing license arrangements. 

Attached is a copy of the following:

1.  Marrickville Council DA determination for Graham Green Ref: 14844 - 14 April 1993 (PDF 9.9MB)
2. Town Planning business paper - 2 February 1993 (PDF 420.6KB)
3. Correspondence from Inner West Council to the Minister of Education Ref: RML20/2777  - 6 July 2020 (PDF 275.4KB)
4. Correspondence from Parliamentary Secretary for Education to Michael Deegan Ref: RML 20/2777  - 6 July 2020 (PDF 551.5KB)
5. Correspondence from Parliamentary Secretary for Education to Darcy Byrne Ref: RML20/2406 - 30 June 2020 (PDF 812KB)
6. Correspondence from Sydney Asset Management Unit to Michael Deegan - October 2020 (PDF 231.6KB) 

For further enquires please contact Council’s Parks and Recreation Manger, Aaron Callaghan on 93925634.

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Page last updated: 29 Apr 2021