Magic Yellow Bus

Daily Update

Thursday 6th February:

Magic Yellow Bus will be in attendance at Enmore Park, Enmore from approximately 9.30am-11.30am. A lighter set up with early pack up time due to heat.

Our playdough is now 100% Gluten Free

Magic Yellow Bus registration and sign-in

Visitors to the Magic Yellow bus mark their attendance using electronic sign in. Please click here to register your details or scan the QR codes displayed at the bus and we will set you up with Hub Hello digital sign in. 

If you have any questions about the process, please don’t hesitate to ask our Magic Yellow Bus staff.

?What is the Magic Yellow Bus

The Magic Yellow Bus is a free activities and community information service held at local parks. This mobile play group is for children aged 0 to 6 years and their families.

  • Children can play and interact with each other in an outdoor setting.
  • The Magic Yellow Bus supports children with their families to develop language and literacy skills, extend their imagination in a fun environment, develop numeracy and cognitive skills, develop social and emotional skills, and learn to listen and communicate.
  • Families have the opportunity to connect with each other as well as access local community and parenting information, all in a safe and inclusive environment.
  • The service is FREE.

PLEASE NOTE: The Bus will not be in operation in circumstances when the weather is too hot, too windy, it is raining, grounds are too wet or muddy or any last-minute unforeseen circumstances.

Cancellations will be notified via this webpage by 9 am at the latest. Individual messages or emails will not be sent to participants. 

There is no limit to the number of people gathering at the session and no bookings are required. 

2024 Schedule 

Location Time
 Mondays War Memorial Park, Leichhardt 9:30am to 12noon
 Tuesdays  McNeilly Park, Marrickville 9:30am to 12noon
 Wednesdays Petersham Park, Petersham  9:30am to 12noon 
Thursdays  Enmore Park, Marrickville 9:30am to 12noon 

What's On

  • Supervision: Please join in and help your children with activities suitable for their age. At all times supervising the children in your care is your responsibility.
  • Setting up: To meet Work Health and Safety requirements, please keep children away from The Magic Yellow Bus area during set up so staff can set up safely and quickly.
  • Packing up: You can show your children how to put toys, books and equipment into the boxes and bags provided. Please do not allow children to pick up or carry any heavy items.
  • Entry to the vehicle: Only Magic Yellow Bus staff are to use the steps or enter the inside of the vehicle due to Work Health & Safety guidelines.
  • Dogs: In accordance with the NSW Companion Animal Act, all dogs must be on a leash and at least 10 metres away from The Magic Yellow Bus area (guide dogs excluded).
  • Toys, books and equipment: Please keep all toys, books and equipment on the mat, table or area that they are set up in so they can be used by all children and aren’t misplaced. Please take care of all toys, books and equipment and bring any damaged/broken items to staff.
  • Food and drinks: Please do not eat food or have drinks on any of the mats or tables. There are children who attend the service who have severe food allergies. To avoid any accidents, please keep hot drinks with you at all times and keep them away from children.
  • Photos and video recordings: The Magic Yellow Bus program respects the privacy of service users and staff. Photography or video recordings of any person or activities at the Magic Yellow Bus, other than involving your own child, requires permission. Please speak to staff if you have any questions about this.
  • Waste: Please dispose of recyclable items and waste in the bins provided.


The Magic Yellow Bus is set up in the most suitable and accessible location with the parks, close to an accessible pathway onto the lawn. The playgroup is spread out on the green lawns. Magic Yellow Bus includes multiple mats with children’s toys. There is enough space between mats for people to stand or be seated to watch over their children. Seating is usually available within the parks, with park benches and seating nearby. The Magic Yellow Bus also provides some seating and some cushions for adults.


The Magic Yellow Bus advises of trip hazards due to children’s toys. These toys are set out on discrete mats, except for the sports area, however children disperse toys across the lawns. Please advise staff if you need assistance with navigation to the playgroup. If you have difficulty locating or approaching staff, please wait for a staff member to approach you.


Please advise staff if you need assistance with communication at the playgroup. If you have difficulty locating or approaching staff, we advise to wait alongside the yellow bus and staff will endeavour to approach you. Staff have paper and pens available for communication.


Magic Yellow Bus advises that the playgroup can be a loud and chaotic space. We advise families who require a quiet space to take a walk in the park if children become overwhelmed or bring their own mat and place it near the playgroup area.


The Magic Yellow Bus frequently has story tellers reading inclusive stories (with themes or characters that embody diversity) and provides inclusive books for parents to read to their children. Our staff have received disability awareness training and are confident in making the space more inclusive.

We champion a welcoming environment for all families and invite you to contact us on 0412 921 540 for any suggestions on accessibility and inclusion.


  • 3 cups of plain flour
  • 1 cup of table salt
  • A few drops of food colouring
  • ¼ cup of vegetable oil
  • 1½ cups of water


1. Mix flour and salt together.
2. Add oil, water and food colouring and mix with wooden spoon until the dough is formed.
3. Add more flour if necessary.

For enquiries please contact the Customer Service Centre on 02 9392 5000, the Magic Yellow Bus staff on 0412 921 540, or email 

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Page last updated: 10 Feb 2025