Citizenship ceremonies

Inner West Council holds regular citizenship ceremonies to welcome new citizens.

We do not decide if you can become an Australian Citizen nor when you attend a ceremony.

The Department of Home Affairs is responsible for citizenship applications, approvals and ceremony allocations. 

Once the Department of Home Affairs approves your application, they will invite you to attend a citizenship ceremony in your local council area. 

To attend a ceremony at Inner West Council, you need to live within the Inner West Council Local Government area. 

Our citizenship ceremonies:

  • are held on the third Monday of each month (except in November 2024, when it will take place on 11 November)
  • have approximately 100 people
  • commence at 6pm and go for about an hour.

Please note that the November 2024 ceremony will not be held on the third Monday of the month, but will instead place on Monday 11 November 2024 at 6pm.

You will need to: 

  • arrive about 45 minutes before the ceremony
  • bring your approval letter and photo identification
  • register and find your allocated seat

Your family and friends are welcome to sit in the guest area. 

For further information, please contact the Department of Home Affairs on their general enquiry number 131 880, or alternatively you can speak to Council officer Kim Fagan on (02) 9392 5248.

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Page last updated: 02 May 2024