Leichhardt walking tour

Walking tours of Leichhardt focusing on the public buildings and spaces that have shaped the local area.

Exploring Leichhardt Heritage
Author: HGOLD The Heritage Group of Leichhardt
Compiled by Jeanette Knox (2010)

Available at Leichhardt and Balmain Library $20.00

A comprehensive series of walks in the Leichhardt Government Area, covering the historical and architectural elements of Bamain/Birchgrove, Leichhardt, Lilyfield/Rozelle.

Self Guided App



Map Guide

Leichhardt Historical Walking Tour - Page 1 (PDF 9.1MB)

Leichhardt Historical Walking Tour - Page 2 (PDF 6.2MB)

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Page 2

lochist people leich wlktours pg2

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Page last updated: 26 Jul 2024