You are here:HomeExploreAquatic centresLeichhardt Park Aquatic Centre (LPAC)FacilitiesCrecheCreche additional needs form
Creche additional needs form If you have selected yes on the creche family registration form for additional needs or allergies, please ensure the below form is completed prior to your booking. Additional needs care consent form This form must be completed for each child with additional needs, allergies or medical conditions prior to attending the creche. Please note that all users of the creche must remain on the grounds of the centre whilst your child is in our care. Email* - required Child's D.O.B.* - required Child's first name* - required Child's surname* - required Parent / Guardian's first name* - required Parent / Guardian's surname* - required Daytime contact details* - required Emergency contact person* - required Emergency contact phone number* - required Second emergency contact person Second emergency contact phone number My child has the following additional needs, allergies or medical conditions that the staff should be aware of:* - required Please indicate treatment required relating to the above conditions:* - required Please clearly list signs and symptoms that may indicate the need for treatment:* - required By submitting this form you are confirming that in the case of an emergency, you give the child minding staff permission to administer the treatment described above for you child. Mandatory field(s) marked with *
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