Inner West Council leading the way in soft plastic pollution reduction

Wednesday 30 October 2024

Inner West Council is again taking the lead on waste and resource recovery by working to expand its practices to reduce soft plastic pollution.

Last week, the newly elected Council voted to continue expanding the hugely successful plastic recycling program in the Inner West to reach even more residents, honouring its commitment to reduce waste and encourage a circular economy.

As part of this newly adopted motion, Council will look at its current procurement practices to include recycled plastics in road bases, play equipment and other purposes.

Deputy Mayor Mat Howard said Council can expand on its existing practices and the types of items that can be responsibly disposed of, including soft plastics.

“Council is leading the way in recycling and waste reduction with the help of our community and have successfully implemented food recycling to every home through our FOGO program,” Mr Howard said.

“Council also opened the Inner West Sustainability Hub in Summer Hill, providing residents access to resources, services and information from sustainability focused organisations.”

Deputy Mayor Mat Howard has also called for the support of industry organisations, supermarkets, state and federal government.

“We can’t tackle this issue alone. Council is committed to working with all levels of government and industry to find ongoing solutions for soft plastic recycling.”

Council will formally write to Woolworths, ALDI and Coles to request that the Inner West become a trial site for in-store soft plastic collections.

Council will also write to The Hon. Penny Sharpe MLC, Minister for Climate Change, Minister for Energy, Minister for the Environment, and Minister for Heritage, seeking support to trial textile recycling in the Inner West.


For media enquiries please contact Morgan Churcher,

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Page last updated: 31 Oct 2024