Council unveils new Dulwich Hill street art

Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Mayor Darcy Byrne has revealed the honeyeater bird illustration designed by local artist Thomas Jackson and students from Dulwich Hill High School of Visual Art and Design.

Mayor Byrne, Councillor Anna York and staff and students from the high school joined the community to see the large-scale artwork painted on the ‘cheesecake’ slice of wall in front of the Emanuel Tsardoulias Community Library in Dulwich Hill.

The colourful image of the New Holland honeyeater is a partnership between Inner West Council and Dulwich High School of Visual Art and Design for the Perfect Match Street Art program, after Thomas received an Inner West Council Arts Grant.

“The Inner West really is Australia’s street art capital and Thomas’ honeyeater bird is a fantastic addition to the local area,” said Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne.

“Council’s Perfect Match program is about creating appealing artistic expression while tackling unwanted graffiti across the Inner West,” said Mayor Byrne.

The artwork was inspired from a workshop held with around 20 students from the high school in years 7 to 11, who researched local flora and fauna to generate ideas for the project. They settled on the honeyeater, which is found in Southern Australia. The very active birds have some unusual traits including gathering for a ‘corroboree’ where they noisily congregate and flap their wings together.

Over 80 site specific contemporary artworks have been produced through Perfect Match, further establishing the Inner West as the Street Art capital of Australia.

Another 20 new Perfect Match artworks associated with EDGE Inner West are due to be launched in association with the multifaceted arts programs that showcase contemporary creative communities in each Council ward across the year.

For more information on Perfect Match go to

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For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath | Communications and Marketing Coordinator P: +61 2 9392 5334 | E:


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Page last updated: 18 Sep 2019