Nominations open for 2018 Business Environment Awards

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Nominations are now open for the annual Inner West Business Environment Awards.

Last year, more than 20 inner west businesses were celebrated for their sustainable achievements and positive contributions to the environment.

Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne described the environmental achievements of some inner west businesses as “phenomenal”.

“Previous award winners are making huge strides in becoming more green and sustainable. I’m looking forward to unearthing even more environmental success stories,” he said. 

“We’re also asking our residents to tell us about any businesses that are working towards a more sustainable future and deserve nomination,” Mayor Byrne said.

Categories this year include Sustainability Leadership, Sustainable Innovation, Community Partnership, Rethink Waste, Energy Smart, Water Saver, and Beyond our Four Walls, for influencing supply chains for sustainable outcomes beyond their operations.

Last year’s nominees’ achievements included:

  • Addison Rd Community Centre diverted 97% of its waste. Its Food Pantry feeds 2,000 hungry families each week while diverting 48 tonnes of food waste from local businesses
  • Cornersmith Café and Picklery traded a tonne of excess citrus with community members for use in its kitchens over winter
  • IKEA Tempe recycled 1,000 tonnes of cardboard throughout the year
  • Young Henry’s Brewery reduced waste and emissions through packaging decisions: 17,000 reusable growlers and refills has prevented the production of nearly 100,000 stubby bottles. Each day it sends a tonne of spent grain from brewing to feed animals, make bread pickles mushrooms and community gardens
  • Pocket City Farms transformed an unused bowling green into a productive urban green space harvesting and using three tonnes of food locally over the year
  • Kindershare brought the share economy to Inner West families by connecting owners and renters of children’s equipment.
  • Black Star Pastry invested in 100% green power.

For more information go to For assistance with a nomination, contact Council on 9392 5000 or email

The awards ceremony is at Camperdown Commons on Wednesday, 28 November. Nominations close Friday, 5 October.


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Page last updated: 07 Sep 2018