What’s on in December at Council’s libraries

Monday, 18 November 2019

Inner West Council Libraries are celebrating the holiday season with a Summer Reading Challenge photo competition and Christmas events and workshops.

Summer Reading Challenge

Celebrate the joy of holiday reading by uploading photos of a favourite book or reading spot – whether it’s a far-off holiday or at home in a comfy chair.

Tag the photo on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #IWCSummerReading or email the photo to Library.Promotion@innerwest.nsw.gov.au including a short blurb about your reading inspiration.

All entries go into a draw for great prizes. www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/SummerReading

Memoir writing workshop with Walter Mason

A practical and creative workshop to help make the most of your personal life stories. Walter Mason is a travel writer, speaker and Vice President of the NSW Dickens Society.
Ashfield Library, Thursday, 12 December, 1-4pm

Art exhibition - Responses to the Landscape

Exhibition by local artist couple Peter Griffen and Denise Lithgow who share a studio but use different mediums. Peter is an abstract paintings while Denise creates textured and layered fibres, slow stitched and machined landscapes or contrasting wool layered and dyed felt works.
Leichhardt Library, 1 December to 31 January
Opening: Wednesday, 11 December 6-7:30pm

Christmas carols

An evening of Christmas songs with the Spring Street Singers local community choir from St John’s Church, Birchgrove. Directed by Rob Maxwell Jones.
Balmain Town Hall, Wednesday, 4 December, 6-8pm

Pop-up Christmas card making for all ages

Marrickville Library, Saturday, 7 December, 10am-12noon

Christmas storytimes

Suitable for ages 3-5.
Marrickville Library - Wednesday, 18 December, 10:30am
Leichhardt Library - Wednesday, 18 December, 11am
Ashfield Library - Thursday, 19 December, 11am
Balmain Library - Thursday, 19 December, 11am

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator P: +61 2 9392 5334 | E: Elizabeth.Heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au


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Page last updated: 18 Nov 2019