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Monthly update

Friday 27 October 2023

InnerWest@40 - closing 8 November

 40 road sign 

Council recently resolved to put its study InnerWest@40 on public exhibition for community comment.

The study provides a rigorous data-driven evidence base to support reduced speed limits within our area. It includes proposed priority streets and an action plan of next steps including Council working with Transport for NSW (TfNSW). 

Find out more and have your say at InnerWest@40

Other projects open for comment

Developing Public Domain Master Plan for Marrickville Town Centre stage two - closing 26 November


Developing Public Domain Master Plan for Dulwich Hill Village stage two - closing 26 November


Developing Public Domain Master Plan for Newtown and Enmore stage two - closing 26 November


Transforming our side streets  London and Simmons Streets, Enmore - closing 20 November


Draft Plan of Management Neighbourhood and pocket parks - closing 20 November


Upgrading five playgrounds across the Inner West - closing 21 November



Project updates

Adopted by Council - Recreation strategy and Action Plan 


Approved by Council - Disability Inclusion Action Plan  

Customer requests
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Inner West Council


02 9392 5000


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