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Library and History

Tuesday 15 March 2022

Young Creatives Awards 2022

Call for entries

Young Creatives Awards 2021 - Yesha Young -The Girl on the Bus 

The Young Creatives Awards is an annual writing and art competition that provides young people in the Inner West an opportunity to hone their creative skills in a competitive environment, and to have their work seen and published.

The competition is open to young people aged between 12 to 24, who study, work, or live in the Inner West.

The winning entries will be displayed in a dedicated public exhibition, scheduled this year for the first time in Camperdown's Chrissie Cotter Gallery.

The closing date for submissions is 31 July 2022.

More information www.innerwest.nsw.gov.au/YoungCreativesAwards

Image: The Girl on the Bus by Yesha Young (2021)

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