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CFS Parent & Carer Satisfaction Survey Family Passes

16 December 2021

Redeem your family pass

Three aquatic centres, image of each centre showing outdoor pools with lane ropes and buildings 

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Inner West Children’s Services Survey, 2021.

As one of the first 200 respondents, we hope you and your family enjoy the pass to an Inner West Council aquatic centre of your choosing.

To redeem your family pass, please contact the centre you wish to redeem the pass at using the email address below. Please note this pass is valid for use at one centre only.

Ashfield Aquatic Centre - aac.enquiries@innerwest.nsw.gov.au
Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre - lpac.enquiries@innerwest.nsw.gov.au
Dawn Fraser Baths - dfb@innerwest.nsw.gov.au

Our aquatics staff will confirm when your pass is available for collection at reception.

Yours sincerely,
Inner West Council

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