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What's on Environment and Sustainability 

Thursday 9 June

Reduce energy use and save money

Hand holds a camera with a green blue image on it

Energy prices are on the rise. Get expert support on how to save energy and reduce your bill at the Green Living Centre's free workshop. Learn:   

  • How to make to sense of your electricity bill
  • Low cost actions to heat your home more cheaply and efficiently
  • Simple ways to insulate and draught-proof
  • How to book in and use Council's thermal imaging camera to test for areas of heat loss in the home 

Get expert phone advice, free from the Australian Energy Foundation on 1300 23 68 55. Download guides to weather proofing, insulation, heating and cooling, hot water, solar and windows from their online energy advice service.

Three ways you can start saving today: 

  1. Keep the heat in - close curtains and block draughts 
  2. Wash clothes in cold water and dry in the sun if you can
  3. Set heating to 18-21 degrees Celcius 

Regenerating Australia film screening Friday 17 June

Purple picture with map of Australia made from flowers and words Regenerating Australia

Birds in Backyards winter survey webinar Wednesday 15 June

 Graphic design of a bird on a branch overlooking a house

Pocket City Farms Winter Solstice Festival Saturday 18 June

 Wooden boxes and hand woven baskets arranged on shelves outside filled with fresh vegetables and jams

Paperbark, Petals and Panoramas exhibition until Sunday 19 June 

 Woman painting with lots of flowers around her and on her clothes

Watch this webinar to learn more about electric vehicles

 Boy in a striped green and black tshirt looks up at a man who is holding an electric vehicle charger towards an electric vehicle

Compost and Worm Farming workshop Thursday 30 June 

One hand dropping compost into another hand

Youth Upcycling and Restyling workshop Wednesday 6 July

Two women standing next to each other wearing sparkly clothes and posing for the camera

Youth Beeswax Wraps workshop Thursday 14 July

 Blue and yellow cloth hanging on a line
What's on
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Your say inner west

Development and projects that shape the future of the Inner West can have a lasting effect on the environment. Get involved and have your say on the issues that matter to you.

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Inner West Council


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