The new Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) food recycling service has begun! You can now recycle all food scraps, as well as garden organics, in the green lid FOGO bin, which will be collected every week.
The red lid garbage bin is now collected every fortnight and Inner West is here to support you during this important transition!
Households with extenuating circumstances can request a large 240L red lid garbage bin and we will review applications for larger bins after the first month of the service.
For other households that may struggle with fortnightly collections, extra red lid bin garbage collections can be booked as needed using the booked cleanups portal for the alternate week to their scheduled collections. This service may only need to be used occasionally, or while households get used to separating out food waste.
To reduce household garbage, residents are encouraged to contact our Waste Busters to access a free waste consultation, household audit and tailored strategies. To find out more head to Council's website.