May 7 – 13 is International Compost Awareness Week! It’s a chance to celebrate the environmental benefits of organic waste, for both soil and climate health. Composting and worm farming is a way of turning would-be food waste into nutrient-rich products for use in your own garden. Composting is a natural process that uses earth worms and microorganisms to break down food scraps. Adding compost to soil improves its quality and health as it increases organic matter content. Increased organic matter in soil improves soil structure, boosts nutrient and moisture retention, and supports a diverse soil ecosystem which attracts beneficial organisms. Carbon sequestration and storage capabilities of soil are dramatically heightened in the process of composting, and the emission of methane is avoided, making it an important tool in the fight against climate change. How to get involved this International Compost Awareness Week: - Learn more about the benefits of composting and how to avoid food waste - Learn how to get started with composting or worm farming at home - Enter Inner West Council’s compost week competition |